Sunday, February 9, 2014

Themes Download SlimBlolio Tumblr Theme

Themeforest Download Blogging Blogging,Blog SlimBlolio Tumblr Theme

A slim hybrid between a Portfolio and a Tumblog.


  1. Slick animated area for your slim portfolio.
  2. Different icons for different post types.
  3. Load additional pages via Ajax.
  4. PSD and all Image/CSS/Font/JS files included in package.
  5. Main CSS is formated for LESS – Leaner CSS which make it easy to read and easy to customize.
  6. 7 Social Networks pre-defined, just plug in the URL . Easy extendable.
  7. Images open in Fancybox.
  8. Steinem font for a very slick appearance.
  9. Documentation included.

1 comment:

  1. Recent times when internet has so much gossiping and stuff, your content really refreshes me. free wordpress themes
